Calendar 2024

As well as meeting on the first Thursday of every month, we also offer a busy agenda of activities.

Thursday 6th March
Beer & Bees. 8.00pm.
The Riverside Inn (formerly The Lenchford) WR6 6NW
All welcome! Come and join us for a chat over a beer or glass of wine. Great opportunity to discuss swarm control and plans for the fast approaching new bee season.
Training for new beekeepers.
Commencing March 10th 2025
Little Witley Village Hall. If you are interested in becoming a beekeeper this introductory course is the perfect opportunity to see whats involved.
If interested contact Dave Edmunds at:
Saturday March 22nd.
The Welsh Spring Convention
 Royal Welsh Showground, Builth Wells, LD2 3SY
Friday 4th- Saturday 6th April.
April Spring Convention
Harper Adams University, Newport Shropshire. TF10 8NB
Entrance fee £6.00. A wealth of interesting and education talks & lectures on every aspect of beekeeping.
May & June. Bee SafarisAn opportunity to visit a couple of club members apiaries and see how they do it! Always an interesting and thought provoking experience. Locations and exact dates to be advised soon.

Great Witley Beekeepers Association