As well as meeting on the first Thursday of every month, we also offer a busy agenda of activities.
Date/Event | Venue: |
Thursday 6th March Beer & Bees. 8.00pm. | The Riverside Inn (formerly The Lenchford) WR6 6NW All welcome! Come and join us for a chat over a beer or glass of wine. Great opportunity to discuss swarm control and plans for the fast approaching new bee season. |
Training for new beekeepers. Commencing March 10th 2025 | Little Witley Village Hall. If you are interested in becoming a beekeeper this introductory course is the perfect opportunity to see whats involved. If interested contact Dave Edmunds at: |
Saturday March 22nd. The Welsh Spring Convention | Royal Welsh Showground, Builth Wells, LD2 3SY |
Friday 4th- Saturday 6th April. April Spring Convention | Harper Adams University, Newport Shropshire. TF10 8NB Entrance fee £6.00. A wealth of interesting and education talks & lectures on every aspect of beekeeping. |
May & June. Bee Safaris | An opportunity to visit a couple of club members apiaries and see how they do it! Always an interesting and thought provoking experience. Locations and exact dates to be advised soon. |
Great Witley Beekeepers Association